Pomeranian Questions

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Pomeranian Questions
Check out the questions posted by other visitors below. To see the complete question, along with any responses, just click on the question. Or, ask your own question by clicking the link below!

Date Question Replies
9/2/11 Black Pomeranian, or not? 0
3/26/10 Is it a Toe or a Spur? 0
12/7/09 My poms got locked together... 0
12/6/08 Pomeranian sleeps a lot 0
11/7/08 pom's vulva turning black 0
10/28/08 pom's 2nd pregnancy term 0
9/10/08 Pom Pregnant? 0
6/9/08 is my dog pregnant 0
4/22/08 Is my Pomeranian Pregnant! (URGENT)? 0
3/19/08 Answer to visitors question re: Queens Court Poms 0
3/2/08 own pomeranian for a child 0
1/31/08 Pregnant pom... 0
1/15/08 my 4lb pom is pregnant???? help 0
1/7/08 pocket pomeranian 0
12/12/07 What color is dominant? 0
12/10/07 My pom growls and tries to bite 0
11/19/07 how old is a male pom when he begins to get fertle 0
5/26/07 pomeranian with green eyes???? 0
5/26/07 Here is what patellar luxation is............ 0
5/16/07 wat are sighnes 0
5/15/07 bad mother 0
5/7/07 female pom for stud 0
4/10/07 Looking for pup/dog fr specific Sire 0
11/27/06 Bredding and Selling 0
11/26/06 where are u located 0
10/19/06 spitz pom 0
10/16/06 10mo old pom, possible pregneant? 0
9/24/06 breeding a cream pom 0
7/6/06 Free pomeranian(s)? 0
6/27/06 when menstral cycle will start 0
4/21/06 walking sidewaysat 8 weeks 0
3/29/06 problems with inbreeding dogs? 0
3/12/06 what are the signsof 0
2/15/06 Pregnant pom, 0
11/30/05 Why does my pomeranina vomit? 0
6/2/05 Symptom: resting on front legs, lifts posterior up 0
1/7/05 litter box training 0
3/13/10 He forgot he was housebroken! 2
1/30/10 is our pom too old to have puppies? 1
1/4/10 Looking to buy a throwback Pomeranian 1
11/13/08 female had sex with a large yorkie. help me 1
1/9/08 13 year old children 1
11/19/07 how old is a male pom when he begins to get fertle 1
11/7/07 Interested in breeding Pomeranians 1
10/21/07 my pom puppy is 11 weeks old and one ear is down 1
10/18/07 Desperately need advise pregnant Pom 1
10/18/07 Desperately need advise pregnant Pom 1
10/15/07 Pom just had puppies! 1
10/12/07 My dog is short hair 1
10/9/07 How long does the Pom stay in heat? 1
9/12/07 i bought my pom at a stockyard 1
9/3/07 how often do female poms get in heat 1
9/1/07 Pregnant or not pregnant 1
8/22/07 Is my Pomeranian pregnant? 1
8/20/07 Fatty Tissue -cyst like lump? 1
8/19/07 What happens if another dog gets to my bitch after 1
8/7/07 What is their fur like? 1
7/31/07 Any info about pom pregnancy?What should i do&how? 1
7/18/07 pomeranian pregnancy 1
7/6/07 Breeding 1
7/5/07 pomeranian temper 1
6/28/07 Female pomeranian to small 4 the male 1
6/28/07 Poms reach full size at what age? 1
6/21/07 Pom and a Chow :( 1
5/1/07 is pom pregnant 1
4/30/07 What can I do to make 2 females stop fighting 2
4/22/07 pom pregnant by shihtzu.. 1
3/23/07 Colors of poms 1
3/14/07 Male breeding 1
3/14/07 pomeranian breeding 1
3/14/07 pomeranian breeding 1
2/24/07 What age should I have my female Spayed. 1
2/20/07 age of breeding a pom 1
1/27/07 Where can I find information on the breeding poms? 1
1/21/07 Size 1
1/10/07 pregnant poms 1
12/2/06 breeding poms 1
11/27/06 The size 1
11/26/06 Is my Pom Pregnant? 1
9/30/06 pom had puppies now has fever and one ear is red ? 1
9/9/06 pregnant pom 1
9/3/06 where is her fluffy coat? 1
9/3/06 full breed? 1
8/29/06 Could my pom be pregnant?? 1
8/29/06 How old is too old? 1
8/14/06 Poms & first pregnancy 1
8/14/06 Can Pom with knee arthritis be bred? 1
8/6/06 Is my 3 yr old female pomeranian pregnant? 1
8/2/06 Puppy Problem 1
7/21/06 Breeding my Pom 1
7/14/06 what is Patellar Luxation? 1
7/12/06 color mixing when breeding 1
6/10/06 do they love kids 1
6/10/06 I have a Pom that will not carry full term 1
6/7/06 What age is a male pom fertile. 1
6/7/06 Pomeranians in season 1
5/15/06 Teacup poms and breeding 1
5/10/06 When should my young pregnant pom see a vet? 1
4/30/06 how long do menstral cycles last? 1
4/18/06 What age is old for a male Pom to quit breeding 1
4/12/06 male Pom in heat 1
3/27/06 playful biting a prob? 1
3/21/06 newborn pom preperations 1
3/21/06 newborn pom preperations 1
3/19/06 swollen, growing nipple 1
3/18/06 My 1 1/2 yr old pommies coat went thin 1
3/15/06 Is my Pom pregnant 1
3/10/06 Will poms tails be curled at birth? 1
2/17/06 can these dogs be boxed trained? 1
1/8/06 imbreeding pomeranians 1
12/27/05 how long does it take for a pom to give birth?? 1
12/22/05 Young female with weird discharge. 1
11/21/05 POM when to breed. 1
11/4/05 Very runny stuffy nosed pom help!!! 1
10/22/05 Will my pom show if she is pregnant ? 2
10/18/05 wats taking so long 1
9/28/05 At what age should male Poms breed with females? 1
9/28/05 BREED MY DOG 1
9/9/05 To breed or not to breed 2
9/8/05 Pregnancy Care Questions 2
8/9/05 enlarged nipples 1
7/27/05 does size matter? 1
6/28/05 Potty Training 1
6/17/05 GROOMING 2
6/3/05 NEW POM PUPPY 1
5/13/05 Can partis make partis w/ non partis? 2
4/23/05 How big will my Pomeranian Male get? 2
4/21/05 breeding age 2
4/14/05 Grass eater 1
3/30/05 Environment 1
3/12/05 is my pom pregnant 1
3/4/05 My New 9 wk. old Pom 1
3/2/05 Cleaning Of The Eye Area 2
3/1/05 3 yr old female pom vomits frequently! 2
3/1/05 POM INFO 1
2/24/05 POM AGE 1
2/21/05 pom's tail 1
2/19/05 question about weight in a pom. 1
2/8/05 Heavy shedder 1
2/3/05 pregnancy 1
1/14/05 Male or female pet? 3
1/5/05 his back leg seems hurt? 1
12/19/04 4 months old and 7lbs! 2
12/10/04 swallow eye lid 1
12/4/04 pom size 1
11/24/04 I'm wondering if my labs will do okay with a pom 1
11/18/04 Congestion? 1
11/16/04 how many puppies? 1
10/18/04 ITCHY BOY 1
9/8/04 Barking/Temperament 1
8/25/04 Size of Pomeranian?? 1
7/16/04 Dental Problems.... 2
7/10/04 need some breeding facts and tips for pomeranians 1
7/10/04 Can Toy poms breed with Standard size poms? 1
6/11/04 Sign of a pregnant pomeranian 1
5/3/04 Is my Pom sick or just nervous? 1
3/19/04 male dog bred to daughter, what potiental problems 1