Toy Poodle Questions

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Toy Poodle

Toy Poodle Questions
Check out the questions posted by other visitors below. To see the complete question, along with any responses, just click on the question. Or, ask your own question by clicking the link below!

Date Question Replies
3/2/10 In heat now for 3 wks, can I give her a bath 0
5/8/09 do toy poodles have pms? 0
9/24/08 Whelping 0
5/1/06 hair loss behind the ear 0
12/9/05 eye staining 0
3/25/05 She won't eat 0
3/15/05 potty training 0
11/12/04 cussings disease 0
6/10/04 Hearing Problem 0
4/12/04 Using Proheart 6 versus Heartgard on Toy Poodle 0
4/8/08 How long after has a litter can she breed again? 1
4/8/08 about how long? 1
3/15/08 breeding ,when mom is smaller 2
3/7/08 what is the standard length to dock a poodles tail 1
9/13/07 Mom Poodle is black and the pup white 2
8/20/07 breeding 1
8/12/07 Oldest age for breeding 1
2/22/07 miniture poodle on heat 1
12/29/06 is their a pregnancy test for dogs?? 2
12/26/06 7 year old male toy just adopted 1
8/14/06 #of pups for litter 2
7/30/06 very hyper 1
7/30/06 How tall ? 1
7/30/06 what if? 1
5/22/06 Length of toy poodle heat cycle 1
1/1/06 breeding age 1
12/10/05 Seems like hind legs hurt 1
12/4/05 How long is a toy poodle usually in heat? 1
12/4/05 Poodle coat 1
11/17/05 size 1
10/23/05 broken legs 1
9/25/05 Looking for Red Breeder 2
8/19/05 How much? 1
5/23/05 how to breed a toy poodle 1
2/15/05 life expentancy 1
1/31/05 house training 1
1/27/05 A breed I can't find, help!! 1
11/9/04 toy poodle in heat 1
10/21/04 Heat cycle 2
4/12/04 Using Proheart 6 versus Heartgard on Toy Poodle 1