Collie Information

Collie Pictures and Breed Profile

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Breed Information
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Dog Breeds


Collie Picture
The Collie At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Great Britain 
Life Expectancy
12 - 14 yrs 
Height Range
20 - 26 in 
Weight Range
45 - 70 lbs 
Sable/white, blue merle, tricolor 
Very high, should begin early 
With Children
With Animals
Typically good 
Tolerates cold well. Sensitive to heat 
Loves indoors, but needs plenty of time outdoors 
Exercise Reqd
Fairly high; needs family interaction outdoors 
Grooming Reqd
High for rough coated; heavy shedder. Low for smooth coated 
User-Contributed Collie Photos
The Collie photos below have been submitted by site visitors. If you have or had a Collie and have Collie pictures you would like to submit, click the link below!
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Collie Pictures
Diva #1 smooth 2018
Posted by Jerry Sulewski from De Pere, WI
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User-Contributed Collie Information
Below are user-submitted comments about Collie behavior, Collie training, Collie health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!
Additional Collie Comments
I have a rough coat collie got him as a puppy 8wks i call him buddy he is supper smart and very loving likes to play with toys go for walks and even likes to play withother dogs knows lots of commands already sit, come ,wait ,and alot more he is 9mos now and I thing he has stopped growing he is a great companion for me as im alone alot my husband works away from home he also very seldom barks I would recomend this breed to everyone who likes a very smart and devoted dog for a friend and companio
- Posted by doris comfort from lethbridge alberta canada
Collie Information

Collie Common Health Screenings
The following health screenings are often performed by responsible Collie breeders:

Canine Cyclic Neutropenia (genetic test)
CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
Collie Eye Anomaly (genetic test)
Hip Dysplasia (OFA or PennHIP)

Collie Health Issues