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ApacheRidge Ranch

Breed:   Rhodesian Ridgeback   |   Member Since 8/2/2006
Contact Diana Lewis
Phone 360-878-4272
Website Click to visit member's website
Email Click to email
Owner Contract
The new owner contract shown is a sample posted by this member as a representative of the agreement you would enter into prior to obtaining a puppy/dog from this breeder. It is not, nor does it imply, a contract with or guarantee by, endorsement by of this contract, or any responsibility, express or implied, by The breeder listed is solely responsible for the content of this contract and its satisfaction. For your protection, recommends obtaining a printed, signed copy of any contract.

Pet owner contract includes:

1. We require that you provide a loving, good home for the puppy and participate in multiple obedience training classes, including reinforcing that training at home with your puppy and/or dog.

2. If for any reason, at any time in the life of the puppy or dog you are unable to maintain, provide a home for, care for, or keep an ApacheRidge puppy or dog, you are required to return he or she to ApacheRidge Ranch for the puppy or dog's safety, protection, health, happiness, and overall well being.

3. ApacheRidge requires that you Neuter or Spay your puppy at the age recommended by your vet, preferrably after 24 months of age.

4. We require that you schedule a vet appointment for the second, third and forth booster vaccine that will be needed for your puppy unless you are going with integrative veterinary medicine.

Contact us for a complete contract.