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ApacheRidge Ranch

Breed:   Rhodesian Ridgeback   |   Member Since 8/2/2006
The application below has been created and posted by this member, and when this application is completed, the answers are submitted only to this member, and this member may choose to respond at his/her discretion. does not review any completed applications.
ApacheRidge Ranch New Puppy Owner Information. All of our puppies come with a lifetime commitment and lifetime support. Friendship is a two-way street. Ridgebacks are a most intelligent dog and they thrive on lots of love and attention. They wake up each day and want to know "What are we going to do today?" Do you really have this time commitment and activity level that is necessary?
Contact Information
Phone Number
Why did you decide on a Rhodesian Ridgeback?
What are you looking for in a puppy? Show / Pet? Male or Female?
Do you, or have you, own/ed a ridgeback now or in the past?
Yes      No
What type of activities do you plan to do with your ridgeback?
Where will your ridgeback stay during the day (while you are at work, at school, or away from home)?
What type of dogs have you had in the past?
What happened to them?
Where will your Ridgeback sleep at night?
Are you looking to show your new ridgeback puppy or are you mainly looking for a companion dog?