American Staghound Information

American Staghound Pictures and Breed Profile

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American Staghound

Breed Information
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Dog Breeds

American Staghound

The American Staghound At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
Height Range
Weight Range
With Children
With Animals
Exercise Reqd
Grooming Reqd
User-Contributed American Staghound Photos
The American Staghound photos below have been submitted by site visitors. If you have or had a American Staghound and have American Staghound pictures you would like to submit, click the link below!
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User-Contributed American Staghound Information
Below are user-submitted comments about American Staghound behavior, American Staghound training, American Staghound health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!

Favorite American Staghound Comments

I have a 15 month old male American Staghound who is turning out to be a wonderful companion. He is very fast, mischievous, somewhat timid around strange people but never met a dog he didn't like. He is 30" and 88lbs and still growing - white and brindle and ticked.
- Posted by Barry Sheppard from SF, CA
the american staghound is truely a dog of a kind sweet disposition and very laid back love to run and are very fast i had a pair and lost thenm both to highway one at 7 mo the male at 10 mo they were about 65 lbs and stood right at 30 in at shoulder i regret that i do not have any photos to contribute i have owned lots of dogs in my life time and various breeds but of them all this a breed apart except for the Irish Wolfhound which i also kept for 18 years i wish i had them now
- Posted by Terry Mallory from Missouri
American Staghound Information