Scottish Deerhound Information

Scottish Deerhound Pictures and Breed Profile

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Scottish Deerhound

Breed Information
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Dog Breeds

Scottish Deerhound

The Scottish Deerhound At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
10 - 12 yrs 
Height Range
30-32 in (M) 28 in and up (F) 
Weight Range
85-110 lb (M) 75-95 lb (F) 
Grey brindle, sand brindle 
Low (not suited for police work, but has high will to please owner) 
With Children
Kind and gentle; supervise small children 
With Animals
Generally kind, or indifferent; but excellent small game hunter, so may chase cats, rabbits 
Indoor; needs to be with his master 
Exercise Reqd
Frequent walks with ability to run; no heavy exercise or fieldwork until 18 months 
Grooming Reqd
Brush frequently; annual grooming of dead hairs (non-shedding breed) 
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User-Contributed Scottish Deerhound Information
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Scottish Deerhound Information

Scottish Deerhound Health Issues
The following conditions occur with greater than average frequency in the Scottish Deerhound: