Saint Bernard Information

Saint Bernard Pictures and Breed Profile

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Saint Bernard

Breed Information
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Dog Breeds

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard Picture
The Saint Bernard At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
8 - 10 yrs 
Height Range
24 - 28 in 
Weight Range
110 - 200 lbs 
Orange, red brindle, brown brindle, or white with those color patches 
Good; begin at a young age 
With Children
Very good 
With Animals
Tolerates cold well 
Can spend time indoors, but needs a large fenced yard and plenty of human interaction 
Exercise Reqd
Low; no strenuous exercise 
Grooming Reqd
Frequent brushing and eye care, and cleaning of skin folds 
User-Contributed Saint Bernard Photos
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User-Contributed Saint Bernard Information
Below are user-submitted comments about Saint Bernard behavior, Saint Bernard training, Saint Bernard health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!
Additional Saint Bernard Comments
I vote for the King Charles! I like a lot of Chihuahuas, but most of them are so neurotic and auonxis. It's hard to calm them down and they require TONS more socialization and time and effort than the spaniel, who, while he does need to be socialized as a puppy, is a naturally gentle and affectionate dog toward other people and animals. Chihuahuas are also much more needy and are very prone to .References :
- Posted by Blink from BUKcCjClwNSGrd
Saint Bernard Information

Saint Bernard Common Health Screenings
The following health screenings are often performed by responsible Saint Bernard breeders:

Cardiac Evaluation - OFA
CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
Elbow Displasia (OFA, by X-Ray)
Hip Dysplasia (OFA or PennHIP)
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) (factor antigen test)

Saint Bernard Health Issues