Komondor Information

Komondor Pictures and Breed Profile

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Breed Information
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Dog Breeds


Komondor Picture
The Komondor At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
Height Range
Weight Range
With Children
With Animals
Exercise Reqd
Grooming Reqd
User-Contributed Komondor Photos
The Komondor photos below have been submitted by site visitors. If you have or had a Komondor and have Komondor pictures you would like to submit, click the link below!
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User-Contributed Komondor Information
Below are user-submitted comments about Komondor behavior, Komondor training, Komondor health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!
Additional Komondor Comments
Dogs in Carts:My two Shih Tzus (Miss Maggie and Miss Minna—M&M) Love to go to the lumber store with me in my truck. As I coclelt what I need for my next handy man job they ride together on one of those flat bed carts making friends with all the dog lover's. They never get off the cart so management never complains.
- Posted by Dmitry from xADNbcniI
Komondor Information

Komondor Common Health Screenings
The following health screenings are often performed by responsible Komondor breeders:

CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
Hip Dysplasia (OFA or PennHIP)

Komondor Health Issues
The following conditions may be a concern in the Komondor: