Entlebucher Mountain Dog Information

Entlebucher Mountain Dog Pictures and Breed Profile

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Entlebucher Mountain Dog

Breed Information
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Entlebucher Mountain Dog

The Entlebucher Mountain Dog At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
Height Range
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With Children
With Animals
Exercise Reqd
Grooming Reqd
User-Contributed Entlebucher Mountain Dog Photos
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User-Contributed Entlebucher Mountain Dog Information
Below are user-submitted comments about Entlebucher Mountain Dog behavior, Entlebucher Mountain Dog training, Entlebucher Mountain Dog health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!
Additional Entlebucher Mountain Dog Comments
brittany spaniel most usulaly live in outside with a dog house or a shelter to keep the dog in warmer place to keep out of hot or cold seasons. the breed are uslaly use as hunters they caught small animals such as birds , woodcock, quail and partridge, it is become highly valued as a hunting small game. field spaniel breed they also do hunting small wild birds and others . they only has mildest temperaments of any spaniel. as such, it makes an excellent family pet, but it is also a capable gu
- Posted by Thiago from PKvKNnvX
Entlebucher Mountain Dog Information