Biewer Information

Biewer Pictures and Breed Profile

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Breed Information
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Dog Breeds


The Biewer At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
13 - 15 yrs 
Height Range
8 - 10 in 
Weight Range
6 - 8 lbs 
4 pure white legs, belly & breast. The head white, with blue or black, and gold symmetrical colored. The trunk may be rather white, or blue - white, broken or closely blue absolute or black, without brown coloring 
With Children
With Animals
Tolerates moderate heat and cold, but needs controlled climate 
Indoors. Long coat needs indoor care. 
Exercise Reqd
High; loves extended play. Good companion to energetic kids 
Grooming Reqd
High for show coats. Puppy clip for pets makes grooming easier 
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Biewer Information
The Biewer was fully developed in Germany, and is the breed's country of Origin. The Biewer carries a recessive white gene for it's coat coloring. The first Biewer Puppy was produced in the breeding of Darling von Friedheck VDH/KFT 13000, and Fru-Fru von Friedheck VDH/KFT 13107. The Biewer gets it's name from the man who developed the breed in Germany. The Biewer must NEVER to be confused with the American Yorkshire Terrier. The Biewer and the American Yorkie MUST NEVER be bred to each other. They are two separate breeds.

The first club formed in the United States is known as The American Biewer Club (ABC) and is often referred to as the Biewer Club of America. The club abides by the orginal Biewer Breed Standard set forth in Germany under the UCI with the reference number of 00/490. They are partners with the original German Biewer Club. You can view their web site at:

The first Biewer Shown in the USA was in June of 2003. In November of that same year a Biewer Received the first Best In Show award in the United States. Since those historic shows numerous Biewers are being shown at sanctioned IABCA shows here in the United States. The IABCA was the first organization to allow the Biewer to be shown, and was the same organization that became a part of the historic BEST IN SHOW WIN, and the exhibition of the first Biewer shown. Now Rarities is allowing the Biewer To exhibit at their events too. The American Biewer Club will seek additional venues to show the Biewer.

Information courtesy of Flyers Biewers

Biewer Common Health Screenings
The following health screenings are often performed by responsible Biewer breeders:

CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
Liver Shunt Certification
Patellar Luxation Test - OFA

Biewer Health Issues
The following conditions may be a concern in the Biewer: