American Hairless Terrier Information

American Hairless Terrier Pictures and Breed Profile

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American Hairless Terrier

Breed Information
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Dog Breeds

American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
Height Range
Weight Range
With Children
With Animals
Exercise Reqd
Grooming Reqd
User-Contributed American Hairless Terrier Photos
The American Hairless Terrier photos below have been submitted by site visitors. If you have or had a American Hairless Terrier and have American Hairless Terrier pictures you would like to submit, click the link below!
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User-Contributed American Hairless Terrier Information
Below are user-submitted comments about American Hairless Terrier behavior, American Hairless Terrier training, American Hairless Terrier health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!
Additional American Hairless Terrier Comments
Raven, our 2nd chinese shar-pei, would have been 8 years old December 2009. She was a gift to me from then boenyirfd/now husband on Valentine's Day 2002. I remember walking into the house and the cutest little black ball of fur walked over to me for the first time. We already had 7 year old Duke at the time. He could have cared less about that little pest, but she never let up and I think after years, she finally wore him down. We know this, because he let her lick his ears.that was it, no
- Posted by Vitalia from LKAzNwocZBHta
American Hairless Terrier Information