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Breed:   Rottweiler   |   Member Since 2/24/2014
The application below has been created and posted by this member, and when this application is completed, the answers are submitted only to this member, and this member may choose to respond at his/her discretion. does not review any completed applications.
I am very careful about placing my puppies in responsible so homes, and in order to place the right puppy with the right home here are some questions that will help me get to know more about you and help with that process
Contact Information
Phone Number
* It is important for me to have your address so I can send out puppy packets and any mail updates. TO BE CONSIDERED for a puppy please give me your FULL address. ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP
* SUPER IMPORTANT TO ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS ABOUT CONTACT. Phone Number that we can call you on about this application? HOW LATE CAN WE CALL? What time zone are you in? Would you prefer contact through EMAIL?
* Tell me about your living situation. Are you in a Home? Apartment, Condo, ---Do you rent or own?
If you rent, do you have LandLord approval for a Rottweiler on premises?
Yes      No
* Does your home have a fenced in area suitable for a Rottweiler? If not, please explain how you plan on giving regular exercise to your new puppy. If you have no fence do you have a kennel run?
* Are you familiar with if Rottweilers are accepted to your town/county? If not. Please check your local town/county to make sure before making the decision to get a pup.
Yes      No
* Where will the dog sleep? Indoors/Outdoors/Dog Crate? Please give brief description.
* How many Adults are in your household? 18 or over?
* How many children or in the household and what are their ages?
* Are any members of you household allergic to animals?
* Who in the household will have the main responsibility of caring for this pet?
* About how many hours will this puppy be alone. If you live by yourself and work, is there someone that can check on the puppy while you are away?
* Do you have any particular questions for us?
* Do you currently have any other dogs or cats? IF SO Please list the breed, size, and age of dogs & cats currently in your home: Are they Spayed / Neutered?
Have any other animals? Horses, goats, pigs, snakes, hamsters, etc. If yes, please describe:
* Have you ever taken a pet to the pound or shelter? IF SO, WHY?
Let me help you find the perfect Rott for you. What activities do you plan on doing with this dog? ___ pet ___ guard ___ schutzhund ___ obedience ____ agility ___ Conformation ____ PLEASE EXPLAIN:
* IMPORTANT:Please describe your lifestyle: Active, Passive, In-Between?
* Do you have a regular vet? If so WHAT IS YOUR VETS NAME AND NUMBER? If not, please ask friends and family for a good vet reference. It is important to have a vet lined up for anything that you may need in the future.
* A Rottweiler is a working dog. Do you know and understand what a Rottweiler is bred for? Tell me what you know about the Rottweiler. If you don't know that much it's ok, please just let me know so I can help you in any way.
* Although we are not concerned with your PERSONAL finances. We want to make sure you can take care of your new pup. Food/Vet care/Heartworm Monthly--- If you were to get into a situation where you could no longer care for your Rottweiler what would you do? Note: Templinhaus will ALWAYS accept a dog back at no charge to the breeder. We NEVER want one of our pups to end up in a shelter.
* COST- Our puppies range from $2500 to $4500. Occasionally we have something for less or more. Average pet is $3000. Average show/breeding prospect is $4500. Price is depending on parents and their accomplishments as well as PET or SHOW prospect. Our puppies come with a lifetime health guarantee as well as tails DOCKED and dewclaws removed. Do you have a certain price range?
* Is there a certain litter you are interested in? If not please give me a TIME FRAME for when you are wanting to bring a puppy home.
* Is there a certain age you are looking for? Puppy, Youth, Adult, Senior?
* Are you interested in a MALE or FEMALE
* Do you plan on breeding this dog in the future? (All breedable dogs must meet the show prospect standard and be sold on FULL registration) Pets are sold on limited registration. PLEASE BE HONEST HERE. We want to know if you have plans on breeding. We are here to answer questions about breeding and help guide you in the right direction.
* Where did you hear about us? If it was an online search was it easy to find us?
* I/We understand that this is just an application for Templinhaus Rottweilers to assess our current living conditions and future living conditions of the pup. I/We understand this is not a guarantee of a pup and I/We understand that Templinhaus Rottweilers have the right to refuse a puppy to anyone for any reason. Type your name as your signature if you agree.