Whippet Questions

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Whippet Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 11/2/2007
My whippet is 7 months old. She is happy and active. I got her when she was 3 months old and it took me about a month to find food that she liked and had 20% fat content (the breeders request). She would throw-up few times or was making the "vomit motions". My vet said it was normal because of the food changes. She is now eating "ORIJEN PUPPY"(which I think is one of the best foods out there, contains no grains). She has been on this food for about 3 months and she loves it. The problem is that she is making her "vomiting motions" more often. Sometimes few times a day, but nothink comes out. But it does not seem to effect her. She is running around, she is energetic, and has huge appetite. She gets to run off-leash almost every day, but it's always not less then 2 hours after eating. I feed her according to the chart on the food bag (little less then 3 cups a day - devided into 3 meals a day). Does anybody have any idea why she wants to throw-up but nothing comes out? Is it perhaps the high amount of fat-20% and/or protein-40% in this particular food? Or is it just a Whippet thing?

Date Reply Member
11/12/07 Try all natural dog for at www.naturalpet.com Tina Rae
Harts of Fire Whippet