It depends on several things..the sex of each, how old the saint is, and how much time is spent with training the dogs. Typically a combination like that would be wonderful for the saint, however the mastiff could learn some inappropriate behaviour from the rambunctious saint. Limits definitely have to be set with both, and I definitely recommend obedience school.
I have one very energetic saint. she is 1.5 years and she thinks she acts like a golden puppy. In my opinion a playmate will be very good for the saint, just make sure the saint knows how to behave properly. If the saint doesnt walk well on a leash, than u got HUGE trouble, and make that double if u get a purebred mastiff which is usually bigger than a saint. All depends on thier training. Generally speaking, both of these breeds are pretty lazzy..which makes a good combination! lol
Colossal Saints
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