Alaskan Malamute Questions

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Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 1/30/2006
I plan to breed my mal in the fall. She will be two in March. A few days ago she dug a hole under the deck in my backyard and proceeded to collect nearly every stuffed toy we have ever bought for her and put them under there with her. She panics and howls if you remove the toys or block her from getting out to them. She has always been part of our "pack" and never wanted to be away from us for too long. Now she never comes out from her "den" for more then a few minutes at a time. I am concerned about her. She doesn't play or socialize the way she always has. Is this unusual? Will it pass? How long can we expect this to go on? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I miss her company.

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2/1/06 sounds like she is having a false pregnancy. this may occur on her next season as well. With hormonal imbalances, it is difficult to predict if this will reoccur. Spaying would probably take care of the hormone mood swings. Dr. J C
Snowlion Alaskan Malamutes
3/3/06 i agree with Snowlion alaskan malamutes. this has happend to one of my females in the past. Dawn
3/18/06 ues I agree also...just let her get through this and treats should help bring her out around people again or daily walks if possible Scott
Johnson,s Alaskan Malamutes
3/18/06 Yes I agree also...just let her get through this and treats should help bring her out around people again or daily walks if possible Scott
Johnson,s Alaskan Malamutes