Presa Canario Information

Presa Canario Breed Profile

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Presa Canario

Contribute Photo

Submit Your Presa Canario Photo is currently seeking user-contributed photos for a handful of less-common breeds, including the Presa Canario. These photos will appear in the header of breed-specific pages, as a representation of how the breed looks.

So, we are holding a contest! If you have a Presa Canario that you believe represents the breed standard, and you're handy with a camera, we invite you to submit your dogs photo to

First, a few guidelines... photos must be in JPG (preferred) or GIF format. The photo, of course, must be your own property for which you hold the rights. And, because of the graphic format of the site, preference will be given for photos that show just the dog, in a "stacked" (standing) position, either from the side or shoulder-on (halfway between a side view and a front view), against a white or light background and standing on a white or light surface. Here's a great example:

And now for the fun part... the prizes! staff will choose one winning photo and one runner up from all photos submitted site-wide, based on (1) quality of photo, (2) representation of breed type (3) conformation to site design. Additionally, staff will choose up to 5 honorable mentions, the number depending on the total number of breeds with photos submitted and chosen for publication. The winning entrants will receive the following prizes:
Winner Prizes
  • A long-sleeve cotton twill embroidered shirt
  • "The Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds," hardcover book
  • "Nature: Dogs That Changed the World," DVD

Runner-Up Prizes
  • A embroidered polo shirt
  • Dog-opoly Board Game

Honorable Mention Prize
  • A embroidered baseball cap
And now the fine print: By contributing your photo, you are giving permission to post the photo on the website. Additionally, by posting your photo, you are asserting that you are the rightful owner of the photo and any associated copyrights.

Note: No website addresses or advertising-type text is permitted in the Name/Location space and will be removed if posted. reserves the right to refuse to publish any photo that is deemed inappropriate, at our discretion; we reserve the right to edit your Name/Location text or other text entry for appropriateness, accuracy, spelling, or grammar; and we reserve the right to edit your photo for quality, clarity, or presentation.

Deadline for submission of photo entry is January 31, 2010. reserves the right to extend the submission deadline at our discretion. Winners will be announced on the website 30 days after submission deadline, and winners will be notified by email. It is the responsibility of entrants to provide a valid email address and to verify that they will be able to receive email from Prized unclaimed 60 days after prize notification will not be awarded.

Enter Breed Photo Contest - Presa Canario Picture

Submit Photo:
Dog's Name:
Your Name:
Your Location:
Your Email:  
  We ask for a valid email address to prevent people from spamming the site with stolen pictures. We DO NOT spam or sell email addresses. See our Privacy Policy for details.
   We will soon be launching a fun social networking site for dog lovers. Check here if you wish to receive an email announcement when the site launches.