A Visitor asked the following question on 8/8/2008
My paps ears fluxuate between standing erect and flopping. When intersted in something they are tall, but when she's relaxed they droop. She's a year old now. s it too late to tape her ears? Or is she a phalene?
The ear is made up of cartilage fibers. If these fibers are of good quality and the ear leather is thick, then the ears naturally stand erect. Ears that tend to be erect sometimes and droop at other times could have poor quality cartilage.
The phalene is a truly drop-eared papillon. The ears on a true phalene resemble the ears on a spaniel. They lay quietly against the side of the head. So your gal is probably not a phalene.
Because cartilage can be easily creased, this is probably the case with your sweet gal. Cartilage also takes an incredibly long time to develop or heal so taping the ears would be a very, very long process, and may not be worth the longterm effort.
PlayTyme Papillons and Phalenes
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