A Visitor asked the following question on 12/10/2005
I just made arrangements to buy a papillon pup from a breeder, but was just informed that the pup came out of a litter of 7, I am questioning whether or not this is normal for a true papillon or should I question her purity. She is AKC and I was provided with her parents numbers.
AKC DNA's all frequently used stud dogs, there are very very few breeders that will risk lying about parentage of the puppies for fear AKC will find out, leaving them open to being sued by all the puppy buyers.
I have a litter of seven right now as well as having had a litter of nine in the past. In the Papillon book by Carolyn Roe, she mentions several litters of eight. So it is a bit unusual but it does not indicate purity or non-purity. If the dogs are akc and are fine looking champion pedigreed dogs, you can be sure the pups will be too.
Strawberry River Papillons & Westies
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