Dachshund Questions

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Dachshund Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 3/27/2007
I am looking for information and help. I bought a puppy back in February and things have gone down hill from there. I have alot of facts that have been uncovered after the puppy came home and I got the APR registration. I will not bore all of you with details yet, other than to say alot of RED flags are flying. Sire's registration says he is Choc/tan double dapple, breeders own admission in emails states he is a red brindle dapple, and yet there is NO dapple of any kind in his line. Also puppy has had inguinal hernia (repaired), and breeder didn't tell me before hand this had happened, and agreed to refund my money only if I do not get her spayed. I am so lost, and have so much more info to share if anyone is willing to help me?? I want to shut down this breeders operation and bring it to someones attention of what she is doing. The poor Dam is only 3 1/2 and yet has had 5 litters already. All this info came to light after I have dug for information after getting my puppy and her paperwork, and now the breeder is threatening me with her attorney, when I just want to know all about my puppy. Anyone willing to help out there? I love my puppy, and will keep her as a pet and she will be spayed very soon. As a first time owner, I wish I would have known to do more research before I fell in love.

Date Reply Member
3/27/07 APRI is a generic reg. but you may wish to contact them and inform them of the breeder. They may not care like the AKC would obviously she is not even reg the correct sire and dam which they may care about that. If you have seen the breeder's home and it is unsat the Humane Society could possibly get involved, but only if the dogs are in a unhealthy quarters. Make sure when you fight that you inform APRI that dapple is a semi-dominant gene and one parent absolutly has to be dapple to get the pattern. They may ask you why you don't think the puppy is from the sire and dam. Let me know if I can help in any other way. Continental Kennel Club , APRI and United All Breed all are reg you should not buy from in my opinion. Good Luck Heather
Miniature Dachshunds of Kyoto & NJ Standard Dachshunds