Breed: Boxer | Member Since 8/20/2006
Show Contract
AKC Reg Name:____________________________________
Call Name:_________________________________________
AKC Reg No:______________________________________
Sex: M F Color: Fawn Brindle w/white markings: Y N
Sire of Puppy:______________________________________
AKC Reg No:_______________Color:__________________
Dam of Puppy:_____________________________________
AKC Reg No:_______________Color:__________________
Whelping Date of Puppy:_______________________
Phone Number:______________________________
Phone Number: H:________________W:________________
Purchase Price of Puppy:________________
Deposit Amount Received:_______________
Cash____ Check_____ Check # _________
Date of Sale:__________ Date of Possession:_________
Balance:_________(Cash Only or Money Order)
Paid in Full: Y N Initials of Breeder(s)___________
(All Deposits are Non-Refundable)
Should this puppy or adult dog not work out in the buyer(s) household for any reason, be it family, health problems, allergies of the buyer(s) or their children, divorce, moving, birth of a child, or non fulfillment of contractual obligations of buyer(s); the puppy/adult is to be returned immediately to the breeder(s) with no arguments or exceptions.
Should the puppy/adult be returned to the breeder(s) for any reason, then this will be done at no expense or cost to the breeder(s). Buyer(s) will pay any and all actual expenses for the return of this puppy/adult to the breeder(s) residence. All monies received for placing this puppy/adult in another household will be kept by the breeder(s). This puppy/adult is NOT to be given away or sold to anyone. That includes relatives, friends, neighbors, or strangers, unless breeder(s) have been given first choice through buyer(s) notifying breeder(s) and given breeder(s) the option of taking puppy/adult back. If there should be a tragedy of the buyer(s) such as a death or physical inability to care for this puppy/adult, then this puppy/adult is to be immediately turned over to the breeder(s). If any part of the above sections come to pass, then buyer(s) will sign off/over the AKC papers of puppy/adult AKC#:_______________ Buyer(s) accepts full responsibility for proper care of said puppy/adult once it leaves the breeder(s). This includes, but is not limited to: *Maintenance of a proper diet (Breeder recommends -Natural Balance--) *Taking puppy/adult to qualified veterinarian when warranted. *Keeping puppy/adult up to date on all required shots. *Keeping puppy/adult as an indoor dog/house dog, and member of the family. *Provide adequate training and socialization. *Preventing any type of abuse including tie-outs, extended periods of crating without relief, electronic collars or the like, and chaining. *Prong Collars: The use of prong collars are not recommended for everyday use and should only be used only for training under the supervision of a reputable, professional dog trainer. *NO ACEPROMAZINE is to be administered to this puppy/adult for any reason. Advise your vet of this stipulation, as this drug has been known to cause death in boxers. Also, NO LEPTO vaccines are to be administered until at LEAST 1 year of age, if ever. Puppy must be micro-chipped before reaching 6 months of age, and when microchip is registered, breeder must be listed as secondary contact in case of the dog becoming lost. (Provide information to list here.)
Show puppies are co-owned in name only. Upon the purchase of this puppy, buyer(s) agrees here within to enter puppy/adult in a reasonable amount of AKC Conformation events per year (depending on age/maturity) with the goal of gaining AKC Championship. A reasonable number here unto totaling not less than fifteen (15) AKC Conformation events in any 12 month period from time of maturity of show puppy. It is recommended that show puppy be shown in puppy classes to prepare said puppy for open classes at adult age. If bitch puppy: Bitch is not to be bred before her second season, or two (2) years of age. Bitch is to be bred NO MORE THAN ONCE PER YEAR, in any instance where she has whelped a litter within the same year, & shall produce no more than three (3) litters during her lifetime. Stud is to be mutually agreeable to both breeder(s) and buyer(s) of bitch, and is to have no disqualifying faults. Buyer(s) further agrees to turn over two (2) puppies (with AKC Registration papers) of a selected litter or litters whelped by the aforementioned bitch back to breeder(s) at the discretion of breeder(s). Buyer is not obligated to provide the "pick" puppy of selected litter(s) back to breeder(s). Breeder(s) reserves "second pick" rights. Dog puppies are sold with the understanding that the dog will not be bred before the age of 18 months and not before completion of his AKC Championship unless this contract is so amended on amendments page. Buyer(s) further agrees to provide breeder(s) stud service at no cost to any bitch owned/co-owned by breeder throughout the dogs lifetime. Both bitch/dog puppies: If advertised, breeder(s) names/kennel names be included in advertisement. When grown, if puppy does not appear to have the makings of a show dog (in breeder(s) opinion), puppy may be spayed/neutered and breeder(s) will sign over/off AKC Registration paper. (When proof of spay/neuter is provided to breeder(s).) All costs incurred with showing, breeding, whelping, shipping, advertising, veterinary and other costs incurred for puppy/adult AKC#______________, are to be the responsibility of the buyer(s). An amendments to above contract of specifics not discussed shall be addressed and initialed by both buyer(s) and breeder(s) on amendments page. If any other agreements discussed at a later date regarding breeding, or showing, a separate contract will be drawn at that time. Any and all amendments herein after shall require the initials of both breeder(s) and buyer(s).
If any one word or clause in this agreement is broken by the buyer(s), then the remainder of the contents within this agreement are still valid and does not break this agreement between the parties signed below. Should the buyer(s) and the breeder(s) of this agreement end up in a court of law, then the buyer(s) hereby agrees to bear any and all court costs and attorney's fees for both breeder(s) and buyer(s), Any court proceedings will be held in the state and county of the breeder(s), and buyer(s) will return to the state and county that the breeder(s) resides in. _________________________________________________ Signature of Owner(s)/Buyer(s) I/we,_______________________________and________________________
(Printed name of buyer) (Printed name of co-buyer) have read the contents of this contract set up between us and the co-owner(s)/breeder(s), and agree to follow and abide by all the contents of this agreement as set down on this paper.
Date signed:___________
Names of owner(s)/buyer(s)_________________________________________
City, State & Zip _________________________________________________
Phone # Home and Work:__________________________________________
Co-owners/Breeder(s): I/we, __________________________________ and ____________________ do hereby agree to abide by all the contents of this contract with the aforementioned owner(s)/buyer(s), in a fair and just manner. Date signed:_______________
Signature of co-owner(s)/breeder(s) ________________________________ ____________________________
City, State & Zip__________________________________________________
Phone # Home and Work:__________________________________________