Hello and thank you for your interest in my shibas.
First off please let me say how sorry I am at not getting back to you before now. When I did this web site I did not know about this part.
Shibas tend to want to be the dominate dog and usually it takes mental maturity for this to come to the surface. This is probably the reason your dogs got along for a while.
I hope this helps and again I am very sorry it has taken so long to get back to you.
Vickie Wiles
Wynhaven Kennel
If they are both the same gender, that could be part of the problem. Once puberty hits, the rules change. If you don't want to show them, altering them may be a solution. If not, then I suggest you have a full thyroid panel check done on the Shiba. Also, make sure the food the Shiba gets is not a high protein diet. Both are known to stimulate aggressive behavior in previously non-agressive dogs.
Enigma Shibas's Breeder referral link
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