Shiba Inu Questions

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Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 8/28/2004
I have heard that this bread can be litter box trained. Is this true?

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3/13/05 Hello and thank you for your interest in my shibas. First off please let me say how sorry I am at not getting back to you before now. When I did this web site I did not know about this part. I am not sure how to answer your question. I myself have never litter box train a shiba. I can tell you they are very easy to house train because they are usually a very clean breed and do not like there living area soiled. I find it very easy to house train 6 to 8 week old babies. My babies are normally going to the back door to potty at about 6 weeks and if I watch them closely and get them out they will go outside that young. I hope this helps and again I am very sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. Vickie Wiles 336-388-2769 Vickie
Wynhaven Kennel