Are they off leash in an 8 feet tall electrified enclosure?
It's not a MYTH, it's breed temperment.
I seriously doubt you have 13 that go off leash.
Miniature Siberian Huskies!
It is a Myth... they train just as easilt as other dogs.... as long as you treat them as eaquals.
No they most certainly are not off leash in a fenced area..... Next Thursday one of my dogs is going to be a seizure alert dog for a girl. The Make A Wish Foundation is buying him for her. You can check out my website at www.OnQSiberians.com . I have videos on YouTube of them on there.... the whole pack, out off leash all at once, and you can see a street right next to it. It can be done, if you are a strong trainer that truly understands the mentality of the breed.
Copy and paste the links below to see my dogs off leash in our yard...
Most people cannot afford the $6000 that you charge for your trained dogs and will take what you have said to mean that an obedience class at Petsmart is going to give them the same results. At this rate, you will have been responsible for many a death of this breed. If you want to advertise that you can train this breed to be off leash, then do so, but don't put it out there in a way that will make our buyers believe that a Siberian Husky is just like every other dog. They are not. I'd be curious to see what would happen if your off leash dogs were left off leash and uncontained with no supervision.
Sierra Kennels
I have dogs that feel like staying outside sometimes. Althea for example, will just lay on the porch. There are local cats that trapse in and out of the yard as well. They pay them no mind. They know they are not the kind that are friendly.... I don't find them hard to train, when raised since birth... not in the least. I have a lot of experience with a lot of breeds though.... A lot of dogs are not off leash safe no matter the breed....
As far as the money, I also raise money for my clients in a variety of ways. You have to have a sale price no matter who raises the money for it. There always has to be an option to buy something straight out... There are not many dogs that respond to seizures. Some oher agencies charge more than four times what I do for dogs of eaqual merrit....
So since this has gotten so off-topic... I will take it that you don't have any... I am honestly trying to find other people that do. I have found a number of other kennels that have off leash Sib
Once again... My Dogs are NOT CONTAINED in the video.... or are they the majority of the time. They are off leash 90% of the time.
Out of 25 dogs, I have 2 or 3 that can be off leash and never leave my yard uncontained. However, I don't allow them to be off leash when I have buyers coming for their puppies simply because the two times that I have, my buyer ignores the cautions that I have given over & over about the breed and they think that their dog will do the same without the training. In both cases, those pups died at an early age from being hit by a car. I love all of my pups whether they are kept here or sold and the last thing that I want to hear is that their owner let them out and they ran and got hit. It makes me rather angry to be called and told "We lost our puppy because he/she got ran over." It is a pointless loss and could have been avoided if they had just kept them contained or on lead.
Sierra Kennels
I have been in the breed about 15 years now. I have heard of a lot of people that had such things happen with a lot of breeds. I understand that some people should not hav dogs point blank... If it isn't a dog they didn't properly off lead train, it is a dog they left out while at work that ate something odd and died...Some ppl should not have dogs...
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