Mastiff Questions

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Mastiff Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 1/4/2006
My mom and dad said my sisters and i could get a puppy on a few conditions.It had to be a large to extra large breed,not be a hyper breed,and not have long fur. so far the mastiff seems like a awsome breed, but I would like to here what it's really like. PLEASE REPLY

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1/4/06 Mastiff are the best of best they train easily and are your best friend they are mellow and sweet and very large I have 3 of them and everyone is like one of my kids I would not give up any of them for any reason. if you are thinking of an english mastiff well they are the best of the best; than an english mastiff is for you other mastiff breeds differ from the big teddy bears as i like to call the english lori
Turnor Kennels
1/9/06 Hi, You did not say how old you and your sister were, who would be responsible for training and if you wanted to spend time playing fetch or other outdoor activities with your dog. The English Mastiff is a great way to go, they are a very gentle loyal dog. But you may also want to consider the BullMastiff if you want a more playful dog. They run 115 lbs and up, so they are considered a large breed, with very llimited grooming needs and they also have a longer lifespan. Gail & Terry
Cypress Run Mastiffs