Lhasa Apso Questions

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Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 7/14/2006
I can not get our Lhasa Apso potty trained. He will go to the bathroom out side when we take him out but still goes in the house without letting us no he needs to go outside. We take him out alot. He is now 5 months old. Everyone tells me Apso are such smart dogs but I can't seem to see that. What should I do? He's such a great dog but is he worth it?

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7/15/06 Firstly, let me say: if you cannot give adequate and compassionate care to this animal it should be returned to the breeder right away. A dog of this age is growing rapidly...its kidneys are functioning at top speed all day...this makes a lot of urine! ***You should be taking him outside at least every 1/2 hour while he is awake. If he cannot hold urine for this amount of time, he may be sick and in need of medical treatment...have him evaluated by a licensed veterinarian right away.*** Lhasas are a breed historically looked after by dedicated Monks who take this responsibility very seriously...Lhasas rarely "ask" to go outside until they are adults (closer to 2 years old!), so you must be constantly aware of his needs throughout the day. Lhasas usually communicate their needs with a good, hard stare...this is easily missed, so watch for it! As one of the oldest varieties of domesticated canines, the Lhasa Apso is genetically very close to the wolf. They are very cunning Genie
Potala Palace Dogs
7/15/06 and relational. Your dog's intelligence will grow in direct proportion to the amount of time you spend meeting his social and physical needs. My puppies are completely house trained by 7 weeks, on average. Do reach out to some local help, through your veterinarian or rescue group, so that you can fine-tune your dog rearing skills in relation to this breed. Genie
Potala Palace Dogs