Golden Retriever Questions

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Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 1/19/2006
What is the upkeep required for a golden retriever?

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2/17/06 A golden requires regular coat maintence to ensure no natting or extreme shedding problems. You have to watch what type of food you give, as it can cause them to develop an alergy (especially brands that have corn as one of the first three ingredients). You need to give them outside play time daily! Kathleen & Henry
Mistletoe Lane Goldens
3/4/07 In order to properly care for a Golden Retriever you need to spend not only play time with them but regular grooming time. Because they have a double coat it requires a good amount of maintenance. One way to take care of that is nightly brushing sessions. This will not only give you quality quiet time with your golden but help keep their coat in a matt-free condition which is extremely important. Shedding is always a problem with a golden but the nightly brushing will help a tremendous amount. Debbie
Showstopper Goldens