What do you mean a "regular"? Miniature dachshunds should weight 11 pounds and under in order for them to be a true mini and also not be over weight.Standard pups will wieght from 16 pounds and up when they are adults. Some minis are 7-8 pounds and are small, was your's the runt of the litter or just a small pup? Did the breeder where you purchased her from say anything about her size? Check out www.akc.org the see the standard for the dachshund.
Cornerstone Kennels;CK Minis
The best advice I can tell you is that the other owner's dog's weight doesn't matter; don't let it concern you with your own dog. I don't think anyone ever said, "Let me put that doxie on a scale so I know whether it's cute or not." Focus on your own dog's physique, which is what makes the doxie rememberable to the eye. Certain things impact weight eg structure/frame, breeding down in size from standards, etc which is all genetic. Just concentrate on your doxie being healthy, long, lean, muscular, etc. Goal for the physique, not the weight. I have a boy that has an ideal weight of 8.5-9 lbs. Sooo if he is 10.5 lbs, he is within the AKC weight standards, but he has a fat roll over his collar. :) Hope this helps!
Kiyana's Haus
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