Dachshund Questions

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Dachshund Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 11/27/2006
Okay I know for sure the last date of mating was the 8th of October, however I am unaware of any previous mating dates if in fact there were any. I know that it takes 63 days average, but my dog looks like she could pop. I can very easily detect the puppies moving in her abdomen and it feels like her nipples may be lactating a little. So what time frame should I expect delivery? Could it happen now?

Date Reply Member
3/1/07 puppies come in 58 to 63 days get yourself a good breeding book there is more you should know. Patrick
CMOHearn Dachshunds Inc.
3/1/07 at anytime she will have them. call your Vet and she/He will help you with your problem. Patrick
CMOHearn Dachshunds Inc.