Dachshund Questions

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Dachshund Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 1/18/2006
I know a male should be smaller or the same size to breed with a female. Does anybody know- if the male is a little bigger, how big is OK? Thanks

Date Reply Member
1/20/06 Breeding a small male to a large female is not a problem. The other way around can be. I would not breed a male to a female if say the female is a mini and the male is a standard. Sussie Sussie
Whispering Pines K-9's
1/22/06 If you are talking about minis, and the male is, say, 12 pounds, and the female is 10 or 11, it is definitely not a problem. Only if the female is VERY small, say 8 or 9 pounds, should you have any question about breeding her to a true mini or even one that is a BIT over 11 pounds. Eileen
Arimich Dachshunds