Cocker Spaniel Questions

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Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniel Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 6/27/2005
We bought a cocker puppy that we were told was a golden. She has topaz colored, almost hazel eyes, and a brown with pink tinge nose. Is this ok for this breed? We paid $890.00 for her and were told that if we want to breed her we would have to pay an addl. $100.00. Did we overpay? Is her coloring considered standard? What attributes are looked for in breeding cockers?

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9/5/05 Hello, Sorry I did not notice your question earlier. Did not remember to go to the Quality Dogs website to check for questions. Anyway, your Cocker is called a brown-nosed buff. The eye coloring comes from the brown genes in your dog's background (probably a parent). It is not and ideal color for Cockers -- the nose and eye rims should always be solid black in buff, black, and parti-colors (except red/white and brown/white Cockers). The brown nose and hazel eyes are typically seen in a brown or brown/tan Cocker or a brown/white/tan or brown/white parti-color Cocker. If you want to improve the breed I would not breed this dog. Breeding should only be done between two dogs who ARE what the Cocker Breed Standard says a Cocker should be and look like. You can read this on the AKC website: Look for Breed Standard on the website. Yes, I think you paid TOO much for this dog, especially if it is a pet. It cannot be a show dog because it doesn't have a blac Debbie
Ky-Ann Cockers