Contribute Dog Articles

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Contribute Dog Articles

Library of Articles on Dog Health, Dog Training, Dog Nutrition, and more

Are You Knowledgeable About Dogs?

Here at, we are always interested in posting new articles by people who are knowledgeable in one or more areas of the dog world. Whether they are about dog health, training, grooming, dog history, or even just fun, lighthearted articles, we would love to consider posting your original writings.

If you are interested in submitting one or more articles for consideration, please fill out the following very short questionnaire. We will then contact you with directions for submitting your writings.

Application to Submit Original Articles
First Name
Last Name
Retype Email

Areas of Expertise
(list all that apply)

Have you ever written for the web before? (i.e. articles, blogs, etc) If so, where? Provide links if possible.

Please read and check the following
I understand that, by submitting any article to, I am certifying that it is my original work and that I am the rightful owner of that work
I understand that, by submitting any article to, I am granting the exclusive right, in perpetuity, to publish that work on the website. ("exclusive" means that you have not posted or published the article anywhere else, and agree not to do so at any time). Furthermore, I grant the right to edit the work for content, accuracy, spelling, or grammar.
I understand that I will not be compensated, monetarily or otherwise, for my article submission. will, however, display a "contributed by" credit any time each article is displayed in its entirety, and will hyperlink that credit to the website address we have mutually agreed upon.
I understand that submitting my work does not guarantee that will choose to publish it. Furthermore, I understand that may choose to remove my work from the website at any time. articles are for casual reading and should never replace professional services of your veterinarian, groomer, or trainer. assumes no liability for use or misuse of the information, advice, or guidelines contained herein.